Terrifying Moment as Raw ‘Zombie’ Meat Crawls Off Plate, Leaving Diners Screaming

There are plenty of things you might complain about in a restaurant, from slow service to poor food quality. But having your meal seemingly come to life and leap off your plate isn’t one you’d typically expect.

Unsurprisingly, a viral video of such an event has led people to draw comparisons to a zombie apocalypse. While the meat on the plate appeared to twitch and move, there’s no need to worry—an undead uprising is not imminent, so you can shelve your survival kits for now.

The strange sight has left many on the internet feeling creeped out, while the girls in the background of the video can be heard screaming in shock. Frankly, if my meal suddenly started moving on its own, I’d be pretty freaked out too.

Thankfully, there’s a straightforward explanation for this bizarre event—and no, it’s not because “the dead have risen.”

The reason behind the twitching meat is that it’s a fresh cut. When exposed to salt, the remaining nerve endings in the muscle can cause it to contract, making the meat twitch, much like what diners witnessed in the video.

The movement was likely due to the salt reacting with the muscles, causing the meat to flop around and unsettling those watching.

Though it wasn’t confirmed where the video was filmed, many speculated that the footage may have come from a restaurant offering a dish called ‘ikizukuri.’ This refers to establishments that prepare live seafood for consumption, though the method can also be used for other creatures like frogs. Live fish is the most commonly served in this manner.

While we can safely say the movement wasn’t caused by paranormal forces, it’s still unsettling to witness your meal wiggle around on the plate.

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